Should I Test For Allergies?

This short questionnaire is designed to help you decide whether or not you should be testing for an allergy.
It is not a replacement for your doctor’s advice or treatment, but it does ask a number of the same questions your doctor would probably ask you, to diagnose an allergic reaction.
Part 1 | What Are Your Symptoms?
Make a note of all that apply from any of the sections labelled A – D inclusive.
A: Respiratory Symptoms
- Wheezing, cough, shortness of breath
- Tightening in the chest
- Runny or blocked nose
B: Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Feeling and/or being sick
- Diarrhoea
C: Other Symptoms
- Headache
- Swollen tongue or lips
- Watery or very dry eyes
D: Skin/Eyes
- Rash
- Itchy, possibly bumpy, skin
- Reddening of the skin and/or eyes, particularly on contact with the possible allergen
Any Other Symptom:
If you have noted one or more symptoms from D and at least one more box, it is more likely that you are an allergy sufferer.
Part 2 | Clinical History
- Do you have a family history of allergies?
- Did you have eczema or asthma as a baby?
- Did you have eczema or asthma as a teenager?
- Have you ever suffered from hayfever?
- Do any of your parents or siblings have a history of hayfever or other allergies?
The more you’ve answered ‘yes’, the greater the chances that you are an allergy sufferer.
Part 3 | Should I Test?
If you have ticked symptoms in box D and at least one other box in Part 1, and you have answered yes to two or more questions in Part 2, it is quite likely that you are sensitive to an allergen. Now go to
Now go to Which Test For Me? to help you decide which test is probably going to be the most helpful for you in diagnosing your allergy.
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